Dr. Jay Valenci, Dr. Dhaval Shah and Dr. Keyur Patoliya may use an iTero® digital scanner to capture images of your teeth and mouth. This advanced imaging technology may be used in a number of restorative treatments to ensure that your final results meet your needs and will provide you with a beautiful smile. To schedule an appointment with our dentists and learn more about iTero digital scanning in Gilbertsville, Pennsylvania, contact Boyertown Family Dental at 610-367-1511.

What is an iTero digital scanner?

The iTero digital scanner is state-of-the-art dental technology used to capture 3D images of your mouth. These images are high-resolution and in full color, allowing our dentists to view all details of your mouth with ease to make faster and more accurate diagnoses.

What is this scanner used for?

The iTero scanner is used for capturing images, creating digital models and impressions, and designing restorations and oral appliances for your treatment. This technology can also simulate the final result of your treatment to give you an idea of how your smile should look!

How does iTero scanning work?

When you receive a scan, our dentists and team will simply pass a small wand over your teeth. This wand captures images and immediately transmits them to a nearby monitor for viewing. The scan can be stopped and started as needed for your comfort, and the captured images are saved simultaneously so that you will not need to sit through a second scan.

To schedule an appointment with our dentists and learn more about the iTero digital scanner, call our office today.