Dental anxiety is quite common and can range from mild uneasiness about your visit to a debilitating phobia that prevents you from getting the dental care you need. Avoiding the dentist, however, will result in worsened dental problems that will cause you discomfort and may even have an effect on your overall health. At Boyertown Family Dental, we are committed to helping you feel relaxed during your appointment, and we offer options and tips to help you feel more at ease.

Dental anxiety can be caused by multiple factors. Sometimes, it is something mild, like the smell or sounds of the dental office. For others, it is the idea of someone in close proximity to your face with their hands and tools in your mouth. It could even be fear of potential pain or a past experience that had a negative impact.

Regardless of the reason, we are here to help keep your smile healthy and make suggestions on how to make your visit with us easier. Here are some tips for dealing with dental anxiety:

Feel confident about coming to your dentist appointment at Boyertown Family Dental. Let us take care of you while helping you achieve your healthiest smile. Call 610-367-1511 for any questions or concerns.